Inomed Stockert Neuro N50. A versatile
RF lesion generator and stimulator for
countless applications and many uses
Multigen RF lesion generator .
19-January-2005 Abdel-Rahman Hussam Zaydan 18 years Congenital torticollis due
to left SCMM spasm
The patient came to the clinic 12-June-2004
complaining of inability to look to the right with progressing
deformity of the face and cranium. He had fibrotic left SCMM with
very short length in comparison to the right . MRI of the
brain and cervical spine performed and showed severe asymmetry of
the bony structures and soft tissues.
Under G.A. the left sternocleidomastoid muscle
was totally resected from its attachments to the left clavicle and
sternum. The sheath also inspected and resected. The omohyoid muscle
was inspected and it was normal and left intact. The patient
was sent for physiotherapy.
The patient came 31-January-2006 for follow-up
and it was impossible to imagine, that this visitor is the same as
the one operated upon. Complete resolution of his symptoms and no
noticeable limitations of neck movement and even no scar, that I started to be
confused, that he could be another person. To see the result
click here!
Notice: Not all operative activities can be
recorded due to lack of time.
Notice: Head injuries and very urgent surgeries are also escaped
from the plan .
Skyra MRI with all clinical applications in the run since 28-Novemeber-2013.
Inomed Riechert-Mundinger System, with three point
fixation is the most accurate system in the market. The microdrive and
its sensor gives feed back about the localization.
Inomed MER system
Leica HM500
The World's first and the only Head mounted Microscope.
Freedom combined with Outstanding Vision, but very bad video recording and
After long years TRUMPF TruSystem 7500 is running with in the neurosuite at
Shmaisani hospital starting from 23-March-2014
LooksCam II Xenosys in the run starting from 14-March-2021 with
SheerVision TTL x4 magnification.