The patient complaining of
agonizing pain in the right lower limb for several months with drop
right foot. MRI demonstrated a right mideolateral extrusion with
downward migration and having bulging L5-S1 which not requiring
surgical intervention. The patient was operated. Right
hemiflavotomy L4-5 with foraminotomy of right L5 root was performed.
The extrusion was removed with minimal intradiscal cleaning of L4-5
was done intentionally. Postoperative period was uneventful and her
neurologic deficits disappeared. Notice the small incision 20-25 mm
which equal other modifications of "modern" techniques, in
exception, that here you are free with all angles and free with your
dissection and gaining better visual control, which the newly
introduced in technology instrumentations, which only limit the
surgical freedom.
Not all introduced technologies
have practical meaning. The use of the endoscopic or as in the
market saying the "telescopic" approaches have no meaning and they
are far arriving for the essential problems of the disc
pathology and the proper improvement.