patient came to the clinic
23-April-2008 complaining of headache left
fronto-temporal region for 5 months with neck
pain and left upper limb pain with numbness. |
On examination at that time, she had weak grip,
extension left hand with hypalgesia left median
nerve territory. |
MRI cervical spine done 24-April-2008 showing
extruded disc C5-6 and C6-7 small in size more
to the left. MRI of the brain showed
hyperostosis frontalis interna. The patient
was treated conservatively. |
The patient, then came 25-October-2008
complaining of right sciatica down to right S1
territory for several weeks with hypalgesia
right L5 and S1 roots. There was mild scoliotic
stance and MRI performed 23-October-2008 showing
bulge L4-5 and L5-S1 disci. She was treated
conservatively. |
The patient then came 13-February-2012
complaining of agonizing neck and right
shoulder and right upper limb pain for 12 days
with exacerbation the last 6 days. She cannot
sleep due to pain. despite the fact she is
receiving massive doses of pain-killers. |
examination, the patient cannot turn the head to
both sides and downward. There is weak grip and
extension right hand 3/5 and the right triceps
power 3/5. There is hypalgesia of the entire
right hand. |
MRI of the
cervical spine with myelography was performed
showing huge extruded disc C6-7 with complete
right foraminal occlusion and small disc C5-6
more to the left. |
Discectomy C5-6 and C6-7 with
removal of the migrating fragments to the right
foramen and extradural inspection for any
remnants. Fidji 6.9x12x15 mm cage inserted to
the C6-7 level. Fidji 5.3x12x15 mm cage inserted
to the C5-6 level, both with NovaBone. At the
start Trinica 2 level 36 mm plate inserted, but
it was short, for what another one 38 mm length
was used to fuse C5-6-7 levels. Trinica fixed
screws 14x4.2 mm were used to C6 and variable
16x4.6 mm to the C5 level and variable 16x4.2 mm
to the C7 level. All stages of surgery were
guided with C-arm. |
closure of the wounds. Smooth postoperative
recovery with normalization of the power of
right upper limb. |