Munir Elias 20-12-2013
The group in action.

Most of the site will reflect the ongoing surgical activity of Prof. Munir Elias MD., PhD. with brief slides and weekly activity. For reference to the academic and theoretical part, you are welcome to visit  neurosurgery.tv

The patient was operated 06-April-2002 for extremely small posterior fossa with Arnold Chiari malformation and did relatively well, until the last several months, the dyspnoea attacks increased when bending the neck and the gait started to deteriorate.

MRI of the cervico-medullary junction with cervical X-rays showed no considerable changes. MRI of the lumbar spine showed tethered cord. The patient still incontinent and difficult gait. with weak left lower limb.

The patient was operated and laminectomy of L5 S1-2 was performed. The functional spinal cord was extending down to the end of the cul-de-sac with massive arachnoidal adhesions.

With the aid of electrophysiological monitoring and microscopic facilities, all the neural elements were identified and the spinal cord at its attachment to the most caudal point of the cul-de-sac, immediately after giving the last roots from both sides, it was detached from the dura, after what it jumped 10 mm above the level. Further neurolysis and bisecting the tethering secondary bands, it could achieve further 10 mm after what the inverted root direction regained relaxed normal course.

Water-tight closure of the dura. Smooth postoperative recovery.


For theoretical data concerning tethered cord syndrome, click here!

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