Munir Elias 20-12-2013
Dr. Ali Al-Bayati

Most of the site will reflect the ongoing surgical activity of Prof. Munir Elias MD., PhD. with brief slides and weekly activity. For reference to the academic and theoretical part, you are welcome to visit  neurosurgery.tv

The patient had RTA 04-August-2005 with amnesia to the event. She had several fractures of the pelvic rim and cut wounds of the face  and right elbow. She was treated for that, but the patient continued to complain of neck and left shoulder pain with fainting attacks for several months after the accident. The patient was seen at the clinic 26-March-2006. She had weak grip and extension of left hand and the left triceps muscle. SLRS was 45 degrees left side with weak dorsi and planterflexion left foot with Babinski positive both sides and exaggerated reflexes both lower limbs. MRI of the cervical and lumbar spine were requested and performed and showed huge disc C5-6 with malacia of the spinal cord at that level.

The patient was admitted 28-March-2006 and operated. Discectomy of C5-6 with removal of the extruded disc was performed. Inspection of the dura was negative for dural tears. Inspection for instability also was negative, for what fixation was not performed.

Smooth postoperative recovery. The patient was setting and walking 6 hours after surgery.

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