Most of the site will reflect the ongoing surgical activity of Prof. Munir Elias MD., PhD. with brief slides and weekly activity. For reference to the academic and theoretical part, you are welcome to visit
Inomed Stockert Neuro N50. A versatile
RF lesion generator and stimulator for
countless applications and many uses
Multigen RF lesion generator .
The patient came to the
clinic 13-October-2002 with
LBP and left sciatica for 2 months and numbness
of the left upper limb for 1 day with neck pain
for 5 months.
On examination: the patient
had ganglion left wrist dorsal aspect with weak
grip and extension left hand with hypalgesia
left L5 and S1 territories and weak dorsi and
planterflexion left foot.
MRI lumbar spine performed
18-October-2002 was normal and MRI cervical
spine showed PCD C5-6 central localization. The
patient was advised to be treated
The patient then came
16-May-2008 complaining of severe neck pain with
right radicular signs for the last three weeks.
She had limitation of neck with pain when
looking to left and up and downward. She had
weak grip and extension right hand with weak
right triceps muscle 3/5. There is also
hypalgesia right median nerve distribution.
MRI cervical spine performed
24-May-2008 showed huge PCD C5-6 with extrusion
right side. She was advised to undergo surgery
but the patient escaped.
The patient then came with
agonizing pain with inability to sleep for 4
days. She was afraid of surgery. She was planned
for yesterday, but she did not come. She came
the morning of this day asking for surgery.
Using anterior approach and
image-intensifier, discectomy of C5-6 was
performed and the extruded disc was removed. The
dura was inspected and the remnants of the
extrusion were also followed and removed.
Smooth postoperative recovery
and the power of right upper limb improved dramatically.
The recurrence rate in
cervical disc surgery is zero.
One level discectomy usually
not require stabilization of insertion of
artificial devices.
Inspection of the remnants of
the extrusion is the integral part of this
surgery. Leaving such remnants could make the
patient continue to complain.
Please! wait for 3-5 min till the
video start to load. It depends upon the internet
Notice: Not all operative activities
can be recorded due to lack of time.
Notice: Head injuries and very urgent surgeries are also
escaped from the plan .