The patient came 28-August-2006 complaining of neck pain for 10
months. MRI performed and showed PCD C6-7 . The patient treated
conservatively and improved. The last 3 days the patient progressed
agonizing pain with left shoulder pain and numbness of the
median distribution.
On examination, the patient had pain when looking to the left and
downward with weak grip extension left hand the left triceps muscle.
The patient was sent to perform another MRI, which showed PCD C5-6
with left foraminal extrusion.
Discectomy C5-6 was performed and the extruded fragments were
removed in several pieces and check for patency of the root was
normal. The dura was seen thin and transparent. Routine
1. It is mandatory to see the dura in the field of the removed
lesion to confirm, that no pieces were left behind.
2. In contrary to the PLD, the recurrence rate after PCD is zero. |