Most of the site will reflect the ongoing surgical activity of Prof. Munir Elias MD., PhD. with brief slides and weekly activity. For reference to the academic and theoretical part, you are welcome to visit
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The patient came to the clinic 14-December-2005
complaining of LBP with right sciatica after
performing 2 surgeries to his extruded disc L4-5
03-July-2005 and 04-October-2005 elsewhere. MRI
lumbar spine performed 06-December-2005 showing
recurrence of L4-5 with decreased height of the
L4-5 disc space. The patient is a known
hypertensive for 5 years. On examination at that
time, he had exaggerated scoliotic stance with
SLRS 45 degrees with pain both sides. There was
weak dorsi and planterflexion right foot -4/5
with hypalgesia right L5 and S1 root
territories. The patient was treated
The patient then came 24-December-2012
complaining of LBP with left agonizing sciatica
for one week. The old right sciatica persisted
as before. MRI lumbar spine done
24-December-2012 showing huge extruded disc L3-4
and still persisting foraminal occlusion L4-5
both sides. The patient underwent stinting 10
days ago and he is now in clexane 80 mg
twice a day.
On examination: the patient
is limping with exaggerated scoliotic stance. SLRS was
80 degrees
degree in the left side with pain and there is
drop left foot with weak
dorsi and planterflexion right foot -4/5.
Refreshment of the old
incision. Complete laminectomy of L4 was done in
the first surgeries. There is also scar reaching
the L2-3 level and down to the L5, S1 level.
Partial laminectomy of L3 with scarolysis down
from the left to perform foraminotomy of the
left L4, L5 roots. Left sided discectomy of L3-4
and L4-5. It was noticed that the left lateral
masses of L3-4 and L4-5 were flail. They were
removed. TLIF cages Novel TTL 10x20 were
inserted to L3-4 disc space and 6x25 mm to the
L4-5 disc spaces. The bone graft was inserted to
both sides of the cages. Using Scientex
Alphatec Spine system 4 polyaxial 6.2x40 mm were
inserted to the L3 and L5 levels. 2 monoaxial
6.2x40 mm screws were inserted to L4 body. All
stages of surgery were done using the C-arm.
Rods 70 mm length bended to adopt the normal
local curve of the spine with cross connector
were used with slight compression to fuse L3.4
and L5 bodies. Bone graft was used parallel to
the rods.
Routine closure of the wound.
The power of the left foot remained the same.
Please! wait for 3-5 min till the
video start to load. It depends upon the internet
The patient has an
estimated postoperative recurrence rate around
7-15%, because the disc space height is still not
shallow at L3-4.
The patient still suffering from L4-5 disc space
and it could participating in his recent
problem, for what it was included in the
surgical management.
When drop foot take several weeks, recovery will
take long time.
Follow Up
The patient progressed
acute MI with cardiac arrest 2 hours after
recovery, for what he was intubated and AF was
corrected by DC shock and coronary angiography
performed 2 hours later and the thrombosis was
dealt and the patient was extubated the next day
30-December-2012 with stable vital signs. The
patient is alert and responding well with slight
improvement of his drop left foot with mild
right VI nerve paresis.
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Notice: Not all operative activities
can be recorded due to lack of time.
Notice: Head injuries and very urgent surgeries are also
escaped from the plan .