Inomed Stockert Neuro N50. A versatile
RF lesion generator and stimulator for
countless applications and many uses
Multigen RF lesion generator .
The patient was exposed to minor trauma 3 weeks
ago and she was OK. For several days she became
irritable with repeated falls with several
injuries to the face and was brought to the
Shmaisani hospital.
On examination: the patient is disoriented and
with difficulty responding to the verbal
response and hallucinating. It was even
impossible to evaluate the power of the limb,
but there was no proper hemiparesis. The patient
was sent for MRI and a huge left convexity
chronic subdural hematoma was found.
The patient was urgently sent
to the operating room and left side wide
craniotomy was performed over the left parietal
region with reflection of the flap to the left
ear. Cross incision was done and the dural edges
were reflected outward. The hematoma was several
in consistency and the liquefied and solid parts
were removed. The thick capsule was followed and
removed entirely. It was reaching the olfactory
bulb anterior, the left clinoid infro-lateral,
the tentorium postero-lateral, the confluence
sinuum posterior and the falx cerebri medial.
The brain regained pulsation and meticulous
irrigation was applied. The cortex was not
touched and all the venous and arterial
structures were preserved. Routine closure of the
Smooth postoperative
recovery. The patient was sent to the ICU and
she is still irritable.
The patient has a picture of pending
conning and cardiac arrest can happen any time, for what she
was urgently operated.
Skyra MRI with all clinical applications in the run since 28-Novemeber-2013.
Inomed Riechert-Mundinger System, with three point
fixation is the most accurate system in the market. The microdrive and
its sensor gives feed back about the localization.
Inomed MER system
Leica HM500
The World's first and the only Headmounted Microscope.
Freedom combined with Outstanding Vision, but very bad video recording and
After long years TRUMPF TruSystem 7500 is running with in the neurosuite at
Shmaisani hospital starting from 23-March-2014
Notice: Not all operative activities
can be recorded due to lack of time.
Notice: Head injuries and very urgent surgeries are also
escaped from the plan .