The patient came to the clinic
12-February-2006 complaining of agonizing left sciatica for 2 weeks.
He had LBP for 3 months with left sciatica. At that time MRI
performed showing only bulging L3-4, L4-5 and L5-S1. MRI done 4 days
ago showed extrusion of the L4-5 with mideolateral extension more to
the left.
On examination he had weak dorsiflexion both feet
with planterflexion left foot. He had hypalgesia left L5 and S1
territories. According to that, he was planned for surgery. The
patient was operated and bilateral L4-5 flavotomy with left L5
foraminotomy was performed. The left L5 root was severely compressed
and the extrusion was removed lateral to the axilla from the left.
Inspection of the right side showed bulge, which was pushed bluntly
to the left and removed from the left side. Routine closure.
1. The patient showed immediate postoperative recovery of the power
of the lower limbs, which is the usual finding after such surgery,
when performed in the early period. |