Inomed Stockert Neuro N50. A versatile
RF lesion generator and stimulator for
countless applications and many uses
Multigen RF lesion generator .
The patient came to the clinic 30-July-2007
complaining of inability to walk for 7 months
with rapid deterioration, starting from the
right the the left lower limb within one month.
She is in wheelchair for 7 months. MRI performed
11-March-2007 showed a huge meningioma at D2-3
On examination: the patient had complete spastic
paraplegia with severe rigidity and scissoring
of the lower limbs with exaggerated deep
reflexes and bilateral Babinski and massive
clonus and spastic rigidity, making the limbs
unable to put them apart. The patient claim that
she can feel the lower limbs, but position sense
is impaired and she could not know, which toe of
which foot the examiner is pinching. Defecation
and micturition was normal, as she claimed, but
she was in wet diaper and she was from Yemen and
it was hard to tell the actual condition. The
patient was sent for another MRI, which
confirmed the presence of large meningioma at
the mentioned levels.
Laminectomy of D2-3 and flavotomy of D1-2 and
D3-4 was performed. The dura was opened from the
right side. The tumor was rubbery dense and the
running roots of D2 and D3 were dissected of the
tumor. Piecemeal resection of the tumor was
started and preservation of the rootlets and
roots was achieved. The matrix of the tumor was
originating from the right dentate ligament,
which was coagulated and bisected. Total
resection of the tumor was achieved and dural
defect and the most involved part was stitched
to prevent possible CSF leak. Water-tight
closure of the dura with routine closure of the
Smooth postoperative recovery. The neurologic
deficit still the same.
The patient is complete paraplegia for
more than 7 months with scissoring and spastic rigidity of
the lower limbs. These data suggest poor postoperative
recovery. The patient is young and she is not systematically
impaired with diseases such as diabetes mellitus, which
could raised the hope for certain recovery. Time will tell
the result.
The patient could be sent for urodynamic
studies for bladder function evaluation, but the bladder during
examination was full, denoting overflow incontinence, but for
ethical and time factors and the idea that it will not change
the strategy of the operation, this part was ignored.
Skyra MRI with all clinical applications in the run since 28-Novemeber-2013.
Inomed Riechert-Mundinger System, with three point
fixation is the most accurate system in the market. The microdrive and
its sensor gives feed back about the localization.
Inomed MER system
Leica HM500
The World's first and the only Head mounted Microscope.
Freedom combined with Outstanding Vision, but very bad video recording and
After long years TRUMPF TruSystem 7500 is running with in the neurosuite at
Shmaisani hospital starting from 23-March-2014
LooksCam II in the run starting from 14-March-2020
Notice: Not all operative activities
can be recorded due to lack of time.
Notice: Head injuries and very urgent surgeries are also
escaped from the plan .