patient came
to the clinic 01-August-2010 complaining of
neck pain for 6 years with both shoulders pain
more the right. The condition deteriorated the
last month. |
MRI done
2004 showed extruded disc C5-6 with right
foraminal occlusion. |
On examination: the
patient has neck pain when looking down and to
the right and agonizing pain with limitation of
movement when looking up. There is hypalgesia of
the right C5-6-7 roots territories and below the
right knee. There is weak grip both hands more
the right and extensors of the right hand and
pronounced weakness of the right triceps muscle. |
The patient was sent
for investigations and MRI of the lumbar spine
was uneventful, but there is huge central
extruded disc C6-7 more to the right compressing
the spinal cord with old extruded disc C5-6. |
Discectomy of C6-7 was performed and removal of
the all the extruded fragments compressing the
spinal cord was achieved. Intradiscal cleaning
of C5-6 was performed. Adequate Fidji cages were
inserted to both levels with Novabone. Using
Trinica Zimmer cervical plate 36 mm length 2
levels, fusion of C5-6-7 was done with screws 14
mm length. The construct was applied after
removal of all the projecting anteriorly
osteophytes. The gaps between the cages and
anterior edges of the bones was filled by his
own bone harvested from the ossified annulus
fibrosis. |
Routine closure of
the wound and smooth postoperative recovery. |
The power of
the three limbs improved. |