Prenatal ultrasound examinations
can in most open spinal neural tube defects (NTD) in infants be declared before
the moment of delivery when the lower half of the trunk and legs
make their appearance. The lesions vary in size and location and that in
addition to the asymmetrically altered neurological condition results in no two
infants appearing similar.
The designation spina bifida
occulta is a radiologic one and refers to a defect of the spinous process and/or
associated posterior neural arch, usually in the thoracic or lumbar spine, at
one level only. It is allegedly found in 5 to 36 percent of the general
population and as a rule has few if any clinical implications. The
significant forms of closed spinal dysraphism are characterized by a more
disrupted appearance of the posterior arch components at two or more levels. In
the clinical context, spinal dysraphism is an umbrella term used to designate
all the forms, open and closed, of spina bifida. It implies, however, splaying
of the pedicles and laminae associated with nonfusion and various defects and
disorganization of bony spinal elements. The dysraphism may thus be occult with
or without cutaneous hallmarks or open, with rudimentary neuroectodermal tissue
visible somewhere along the spinal axis.
Meningocele, the simplest form
of open neural tube defect, is characterized by a cystic
lesion which consists of meninges only and contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
which is in continuity with that in the spinal canal but has no neural tissue
within its confines. The neural tissue may or may not be visible at the base of
the lesion, but in any event, the unperturbed spinal cord runs through the
ventral component of the dysraphic spinal canal. This entity is one-tenth as
frequent as myelomeningocele and is rarely associated with hydrocephalus, but
sometimes will camouflage a "second lesion."
The far more common form of open tube defect is the
myelomeningocele (a term used synonymously with spina bifida aperta, spina
bifida cystica and open neural tube defect). As the term implies, there is some
form of cyst apparent, even if it collapses at birth or shortly after.
Rudimentary dura and leptomeninges have developed around and are attached to
the malformed neural tube. This visible abnormal tissue is usually covered by a
reactive response consisting of gliosis and dysplastic axons and cell bodies. At the rostral end of the sac, the spinal cord can be traced as it
exits from the spinal canal; caudally, the placode may end within the meninges,
extend out a thickened filum or penetrate the spinal canal to continue on its
course. The actual circumstance is determined by the level of the lesion.
Multiple roots, which appear quite healthy, are found for the most part on the
ventral surface of the placode, as they seek their normal dural penetration
sites. There are, in addition, roots which wander aimlessly to the lateral and
dorsal dural encasement and end blindly in that membrane, subcutaneous tissues
or occasionally superficial layers of the paravertebral musculature. The
interior of the sac is frequently honeycombed by arachnoid strands and at least
one or two anomalous vessels, usually veins.
Myeloschisis, or rachischisis,
is a term reserved for the infrequent circumstance of a large filleted placode
without any encasing meninges. The lesion is usually oblong. with the open
central canal constituting a median furrow and crossing the thoracolumbar
junction. In its worst form the condition allows the examiner to peer up the
rostral cleaved spinal canal. Early hydrocephalus and a severe neurological
deficit are present.
Given this description. it is
understandable that myelomeningocele has been described as the "most complex,
treatable, congenital anomaly consistent with life. Its management taxes the
emotions of the parents, the spirit of the child, the patience of the surgeon,
the reserve of the physiotherapist and the ingenuity of the orthotist.
During the past tow decades, if
indeed not longer, there has been a substantial global change in the incidence
of open neural tube defects. For example, the defect historically has been more
prevalent in the United Kingdom, especially Northern Ireland, Wales and
Scotland, where the incidence during the 1970s was approximately 2 per 1000
live births. In North America, the incidence has been just less than I per 1000,
varying from the east coast (where it is higher) to slightly lower in the west.
Myelomeningocele is much less common in Japan (0.2 per 1000) and rare in Manila
(0.03 per 1000). By the 1980s anecdotal and reported experience from many North
American and European centers indicated that the incidence had declined by at
least 40 percent. In some regions of the United Kingdom the risk had dropped
to 0.6 per 1000. This decline seems to be more than can reasonably be accounted
for by antenatal screening and termination of pregnancy.
One of the curiosities of the
condition, which lends credibility to the role of environmental causative
factors, is its changing incidence in migratory populations. For example, Irish
couples born in Boston have relatively high rates compared with other Bostonians
but lower rates than first-generation immigrants from Ireland. The incidence
among Japanese in Hawaii is higher than in Japan itself. In Australia,
immigrants from Britain have higher rates and immigrants from the rest of
Europe lower rates than native Australians. Given these international
geographic variations. clinicians may find the rules breaking down at the local
level within North America. Regions with alleged high incidence of the condition
may represent nothing more than areas where young couples are settling and
raising families or where there are pockets of low socioeconomic conditions and
poor nutrition.
It is no small comfort to
parents of an infant disabled by spina bifida to learn that the cause of the
condition remains unknown. There is no identifiable cause for neural tube
defects. A study of the available clues yields an interesting blend of genetic,
geographic, circumstantial, environmental and dietary factors. It is not always
easy (or wise) to separate one alleged influence from another.
There is no sex preference for
affected offspring, and earlier suggestions that children with myelomeningocele
were born to women at the extremes of the childbearing years or to primiparous
mothers are suspect. On the other hand, it has been observed on occasion that
the pregnancy which immediately preceded the delivery of a child with a tube
defect ended in spontaneous or therapeutic abortion. As yet there are no
supporting data to indicate whether the incidence is any greater for this
particular group of mothers than it is for the obstetric population at large.
The ethnic differences are well
established. There is a high frequency of the condition in the United Kingdom,
northern India and Egypt; an intermediate frequency in much of Europe; and a
low occurrence in blacks.
Studies on parental
consanguinity as well as on twins have produced little useful information.
Family studies, however, are beginning to indicate that the mother of one
affected child or the offspring of an affected female have a 3 to 5 percent risk
of recurrence for any form of spinal dysraphism.
The list of environmental
factors is endless, and attempts have been made to relate the incidence to
geography, opportunity, diet and social mores. The social structure of affected
families has been examined, but the evidence is conflicting.
An interesting observation is
the existence of seasonal trends. In Great Britain, the incidence of neural
tube defects has, over a survey period of 10 years, been greater in births
occurring in December, January and February than it is during June, July and
August. This relation to season is reversed in Australia.
Hence, epidemiologic studies
have thus far yielded interesting observations but few conclusions as to trends
in the occurrence of myelomeningocele.
Present clues suggest that
neural tube malformations arise as the result of exposure of embryos
genetically at risk to additional intrauterine environmental triggers. As it appears unlikely that
anything can change one's genetic background, preventive measures taken against neural tube defects should be directed at eliminating culpable factors in the
environment or at least avoiding them.
The search for a responsible
teratogen has considered a number of alleged dietary causes, including canned
cooked meats, white bread, canned peas, ice cream, tea and blighted potatoes.
The thesis that folic acid deficiency might in some way be associated with
faulty neural tube closure has been carefully scrutinized during the last 8
years. Four structured interventional trials showed that multivitamin or folic
acid supplementation given particularly in the periconceptual period to women
who had children with neural tube defects reduced the recurrence of the defects
in subsequent pregnancies. It is not only becoming clear that it is possible
to prevent some of the serious congenital abnormalities associated with the
neural tube, but also, as stated more recently, women who received periconceptional vitamin supplementation had nearly 50 percent fewer congenital
malformations of all types. All women of childbearing age who are
capable of becoming pregnant should consume 0.4 mg of folic acid per day for
the purpose of reducing their risk of having a pregnancy affected with spina
Conceptually, any developmental
defect involving the central nervous system can be identified as a neural tube
defect. Thus, disorders of neural tube fusion should properly be called
neurulation defects, the process of neurulation being completed by stage 12 (26
to 30 days of gestational age). The critical period in this process is between
stages 8 and 9, when folding and closure of the neural tube occurs. In
particular, most defects of neurulation happen between 18 and 21 days of
The theories that explain
neurulation defects are grouped into those that hold that the neural folds never
approximate and those that hold that there is a rupture of the fused tube, the
latter condition more properly being termed a postneurulation event.
Developmental arrest or overgrowth of neuroepithelium are proffered
explanations for faulty neurulation. Alternatively, reopening of the closed
tube because of increased pressure in its lumen is suggested as the defect
responsible for several midaxial developmental lesions of the brain, spinal
cord and spinal column. While most evidence relating to this problem has been
obtained from experimental studies, pathologic assessments of human fetuses
support a concept of nonclosure of the neural tube characterized by eversion,
overgrowth of neural tissue, and abnormal cell orientation. Thus, the nature
of the cranial or spinal defect is determined by whether it is covered with
skin; if it is not, it is a neurulation defect; if it is, it has arisen after
Many suggestions attempt to
explain the coincident anomalies of the central nervous system in infants with
myelomeningocele. In particular, it is suggested that hydrocephalus and the
Chiari malformation arise because of developmental mechanical influences either
up- or downstream from the neurulation fault or as the consequence of a
well-orchestrated, longitudinal sequence of events. A unified theory of the
cause of the Chiari malformation has been proposed. It is based on abnormal
neurulation, failure of apposition, and transient occlusion of spinal neuroceles,
leading to failure to maintain distinction of the primitive ventricular system.
In the case of the rhombencephalon, this alters the inductive effect of pressure
on the surrounding mesenchyme that in turn results in a small posterior fossa.
Early Detection
In 1972. Brock and Sutcliffe
recognized that the concentration of alpha-1-fetoprotein (AFP) in amniotic fluid
was substantially increased in a large majority of 37 third-trimester
pregnancies surveyed in which the product had been a child with spina bifida,
anencephaly or hydrocephalus. Human AFP is normally synthesized by embryonal
liver cells, the yolk sac and the gastrointestinal tract. It presumably enters
the amniotic fluid from fetal capillaries and in the case of open tube defects,
does so via a direct communication between CSF and amniotic fluid between the
fifth and ninth weeks. As AFP also crosses the placental barrier and may be
found in maternal serum, early serologic recovery from mothers at risk is also
possible. AFP elevation reaches its peak at 12 to 14 weeks of gestation: thus
the amniotic fluid should be examined by the sixteenth week. Supplemental gel-acetylcholinesterase
testing, when applied to amniotic fluid samples with positive AFP,
substantially reduces the number of false-positive results. with only a small
loss in the detection of open neural tube defects. While AFP is not a specific
marker of a neural tube malformation, its measurement via blood and amniotic
fluid testing is recommended for women at high risk of having a child with a
neural tube defect (that is, those who have a child, a parent or a sibling with
such a defect.
Simultaneously, high resolution
ultrasound performed after the 20th week will detect about 80 percent of fetuses
with open spina bifida. Unlike AFP testing, the ultrasound may also uncover some
cases of skin-covered meningocele or lipomyelomeningocele. Together,
amniocentesis and level II ultrasound will detect 96 to 100 percent of cases of
spina bifida aperta. But, practically, the confirmation of this diagnosis with
the associated hydrocephalus seldom occurs before the 24th week of gestation at
which point the pregnancy and fetal management decisions become most pending.
It must also be appreciated that
AFP examinations alone will not detect skin-covered abnormalities such as the lipomyelomeningocele, dermal sinus or diastematomyelia.
Similarly, a small fat and caudally positioned myelomeningocele may escape
notice during ultrasound examination by virtue of the minimally distorted local
anatomy. In either of these circumstances, there are less devastating neurological
consequences: when the specific operative repair is completed, the outcome is
Such screening programs have
allegedly reduced the frequency of spina bifida cystica, but only if the
affected parents agree to termination of the pregnancy. Moreover, since as many
as 90 percent of affected infants with myelomeningocele are born into families
previously unaffected, these pregnancies would not be caught in anything other
than a universal routine screening program.
Associated Anomalies
There are a multitude of
possible associated anomalies in the child with an open neural tube defect of
the spine, but most invoke the developing nervous system or its mesodermal
surround. That is, congenital anomalies in other major body systems are the
exception rather than the rule.
Hydrocephalus is present in 80
percent of children with myelomeningocele and relates to any of the described
variants of the sylvian aqueduct, as well as the Chiari malformation, which
itself is almost invariably present. In addition to the structural features of
the latter, the brain may also show micropolygyria, cerebellar dysgenesis,
agenesis of the corpus callosum, cysts within the septum pellucidum or behind
the third ventricle or a midline lipoma.
The skull anomalies include
craniolacunia, a small posterior fossa with an enlarged foramen
magnum, a low attachment of the tentorium and a low-lying torcular. These facts
should be borne in mind by the surgeon performing a decompression for the Chiari
malformation; the surgery of that condition usually necessitates not posterior
fossa exposure but rather upper cervical laminectomy.
The vertebral anomalies may
extend far beyond the obvious region of the myelomeningocele. The possible
combination of bony abnormalities, including anterior or posterior fusion
defects, hemivertebrae, butterfly vertebrae, widened interpediculate distance
and partial or complete vertebral fusion, is dazzling and may exist at other
levels than merely that involved with the obvious surface lesion. In its worst
form the spinal axis may appear telescoped, so that the head seems
impacted on the trunk and the lumbar spine seems almost nonexistent. The adjacent ribs may sometimes be absent or may show bifurcation or
Similarly, segments of spinal
cord beyond that obviously involved have been examined and associated lesions
noted. The frequently associated "second lesion" in many instances results in
delayed deterioration of neurological function. The upper cervical cord usually
shows the characteristic features of the Chiari malformation, but in addition,
there may be hydromyelia extending through its length and occasionally into the midthoracic components.
The relation of hydromyelia to untreated or inadequately treated hydrocephalus
and secondary neurological deterioration is now well established.
Alternatively, doubling of the
spinal cord has often been encountered. This may or may not be associated with
genuine diastematomyelia. The second lesions, which often lie rostral to the
obvious defect and may not be visible at the time of the first operation,
include the preceding lesions as well as epidermoid or dermoid cysts, intraspinal lipoma and assorted bands and adhesions.
Obviously, any combination of
these is possible. For example, an infant with an obvious lumbar
myelomeningocele may have at a higher level a small meningocele manqué, dermal
sinus or subcutaneous lipoma. In this circumstance treatment priority is given
to the life-threatening lesion or the one which is productive of the most severe
neurological defect. Alternatively, infants may have a complex dysraphic
condition at the site of the open defect, consisting of any combination of
myelomeningocele, lipomyelomeningocele, diastematomyelia and ectopic
development of renal or intestinal tissue.
There are case reports of
associated systemic anomalies in the gastrointestinal, pulmonary, craniofacial
and cardiovascular systems, but these are infrequent. Perhaps the most common
organ abnormality in children with myelodysplasia is that in the genitourinary
system, in which hydroureter, hydronephrosis or ureteral reflux is a secondary
effect of the long-standing neurogenic sphincter.
Clinical Assessment
In some circumstances the
neurosurgeon will be asked to provide prenatal counselling to parents whose fetus
at 30 weeks gestation has a myelomeningocele and associated hydrocephalus. It
has been agreed that by then termination of pregnancy is no longer an option,
and a sense of urgency may arise that the fetus should be delivered as soon as
possible so that corrective measures can be taken and further damage to the
nervous system minimized. The surgeon should stand fast in favour of a pregnancy
taken to term that produces a baby whose pulmonary maturity will not create
additional hazards. Only at that stage can the anatomic upsets of the
ultrasonography be reliably matched with functional performance and treatment
decisions made rationally.
Otherwise, the neurosurgeon is
most frequently contacted by the referring pediatrician from the delivery suite
concerning the child with a myelomeningocele. The general neonatal assessment
having been concluded, the infant is kept warm and placed prone, and a
moistened, sterile saline dressing is applied to the open defect.
The neurological assessment
presupposes that the child is not cold or affected by maternal sedation. The
cranium is assessed for the overt features of hydrocephalus, and the first
serial head circumference plotting is obtained. The nature of the infant's cry
and the arm and hand function are noted in case these features deteriorate
subsequently as a result of the Chiari malformation.
The lesion site and size are
next determined. Forty-five percent of lesions cross the thoracolumbar junction,
20 percent lie over lumbar segments, 20 percent cross the lumbosacral region, 10
percent lie entirely over the sacrum and the rest are found at more rostral
levels. Occasionally, more than one lesion will be encountered on the spinal
axis, with the more caudal one being larger and more clinically significant. The
circumferential shape, placode size, sac integrity and extent of marginal epithelialized dura are all noted for surgical reconstruction. The spinal column is examined
for evidence of early scoliosis, kyphosis, telescoping and visible and palpable
prominent laminae scattered at the lateral margins of the defect.
The neurological assessment of
the trunk and lower limbs is based on the segmental innervation of the lower
limb muscles and an awareness of the different patterns of neurological
abnormality that may be encountered. The examiner must be aware of
stereotyped patterns of reflex spinal movement, usually elicited when somatic
tissue at or below the level of the lesion is stimulated. If it is necessary to
arouse the child, stimulation is best applied to the scalp or the skin of the
shoulders and arms. The child who is hungry and crying will show spontaneous
and active movement of intact muscle groups in the legs corresponding to the
preserved neural segments. The infant with a lesion at T12 or above will have fail legs: L1 to L3 function is required for hip flexion, L2 to L4 for knee
extension and L5 to S2 for hip extension and knee flexion. Plantar flexion and the function
of the intrinsic muscles of the feet require preservation of the sacral roots.
Neurogenic hip and foot
deformities are assessed, along with joint mobility and muscle bulk loss in the
thighs and calves. Whatever the final results of the motor and sensory testing,
the surgeon should expect that the discrepancy will be asymmetrical. If the
discrepancy covers more than a few root segments, one must be suspicious that
there is an associated lesion within the defect itself (such as cord
duplication, lipoma or diastematomyelia) or another fault at more rostral
Sensory examination is too
reliant upon subjective interpretation to be a benchmark for future
comparisons. Moreover, a case can be made for not utilizing any form of noxious
stimulation during a child's sensory examination given its psychological impact
and thus low yield in an era characterized otherwise by exquisite neuroimaging
In almost every instance the
child with a myelomeningocele will have some form of urinary sphincter
disturbance. One cannot always rely on the character of the anal sphincter at
birth to declare the degree and nature of that impairment. The constant leakage
of meconium from a patulous anus usually predicts later difficulties, but bowel
training is often more readily accomplished in this circumstance. Frequently,
dribbling of small volumes of urine which increases with crying or movements is
indicative of future incontinence, whereas periodic micturition with a good
stream suggests a possibility of partial continence. If one leg is normal, then
normal bladder function can be expected. Infants who have neither voluntary nor
reflex function in muscles innervated from S2 to S4 tend to have complete
bladder paralysis. However, the reliable determination of bladder function is
often not possible for months after operation, even though early urologic
assessment and urodynamic testing are completed.
Approximately 30 percent of
children with a myelomeningocele have congenital scoliosis: half of these
develop evidence of the scoliosis between 5 and 10 years of age. The initial
examination of the spine does not necessarily show the scoliosis, but if it is
present, one must be suspicious of major bony structural abnormalities at
higher levels in the spinal column. Kyphosis attributed to wide separation and
eversion of the pedicles and rudimentary laminae may exist in conjunction with
the scoliosis or be independent of it. It is most treacherous when it involves
the same segments as the myelomeningocele and interferes with its proper
surgical repair. Lumbar lordosis is often not present at birth but develops in
later years to compensate for the upright posture, particularly in the child who
is sitting and is dependent on a wheelchair.
There is less dogma now about
the laboratory investigations to be performed on the neonate. Most radiologic
assessments of the nervous system and its envelope, with the exception of
ultrasound examination of the cerebral ventricles, are not required during the
early days and have little influence on the initial treatment plans: the urinary
tract should receive early radiologic attention instead. Similarly, the
bacteriologic review of the surface of the sac and its contents will almost
always yield some organism, raising a question about directing treatment toward
that organism: but prophylactic antibiotic care seems to have little influence
on the infant's subsequent risk of meningitis and ventriculitis.
The examination of the infant
with a meningocele is conducted similarly, but normal neurological function
below the level of the lesion is expected and, except in rare instances. no
evidence of hydrocephalus.
This first testing is only the
beginning of a series of continuing evaluations, the emphasis of which will
change as the child's problems change; they will later be concerned with the
child's needs for education, employment, and social integration.
Radiologic Evaluation
The radiologic examination of
the spine of a neonate with a myelomeningocele yields so little that it is not
an obligatory preoperative test. At this stage the spine is immature, and
radiologic analysis shows nothing more than multi segmental canal widening, with
a variety of anterior fusion defects, hemivertebrae, block vertebrae.
etc.- features not essential for the early treatment decisions. As time passes
the child will be subjected to several roentgenographic examinations of the
spine for curvature, growth, and perhaps the search for the "second lesion," so
it is pointless to obtain films in the neonatal period.
The same attitude applies to
routine skull films taken at this time. They will inevitably show craniolacunia
and as hydrocephalus increases, splitting of the vault sutures. Hydrocephalus
is better monitored with repeated ultrasound examinations.
The characteristic features of
hydrocephalus associated with myelomeningocele are now well established on
computed tomography (CT) examination. The expansion of the lateral ventricles,
often with minimal dilatation of hook-shaped frontal and expanded occipital
horns as well as mild-to-moderate dilatation of the third ventricle, is
apparent. The fourth ventricle is not visualized. The region of the cerebellar
vermis appears unduly prominent and the petrous bones show scalloping.
Many of these same features are
now becoming apparent on ultrasound examination as expertise with the technique
develops. This scan similarly shows on sagittal sections smaller anterior horns,
so that the ventricle adopts a scimitar outline. The coronal views demonstrate a
teardrop appearance of the ventricles and apparent ablation of the interhemispheric fissure. Moreover, this particular study permits the surgeon
to determine the dynamic change in ventricular size and thus gauge the need and
time for the shunting procedure.
It must be stressed that the
neurosurgeon must not abdicate responsibility for the child's continuing care
several years later, when it appears that the neurological condition is stable.
A few children will deteriorate or demonstrate new neurological signs. At that
time, thorough neuroradiologic evaluation following the' 'top down" approach
will be required.
Operative Care
Faced with an immediate decision
which must consider the rights of the child and its future quality of life, the
involved physician is on the one hand accused by activists of participating in a
"God squad" and on the other reminded by colleagues that children with
NTD are
high on the list of those who are dubiously rewarded for staying alive. So the
physician is again challenged by the incompatibility of his dedicated aims of
prevention of suffering and preservation of life.
What is the immediate decision?
With occasional exceptions, most experienced paediatric neurosurgeons would
concentrate first on repair of the exposed spinal lesion rather than initiate
treatment of the associated hydrocephalus. The thrust of the decision,
then, is whether the infant's spinal lesion should be closed immediately, on a
delayed basis or not at all. It must be abundantly clear that surgery on the
myelomeningocele sac is not designed to repair a faulty spinal cord which, at
least in the exposed portion, has not matured beyond the fourth week of
pregnancy. No one can improve the neurological disability related to that
embryologic disorder: but operation limits the possibilities of retrograde
ascending meningitis and preserves neurological function intact.
The initial enthusiasm of the
Sheffield physicians who in 1959 began a program of immediate closure in all
neonates with NTD has now waned. Lorber lost enthusiasm when he re-examined
their large series and calculated that only 7 percent "had less than grossly
crippling disability and may be considered to have a quality of life not
inconsistent with self-respect, earning capacity, happiness and even marriage.
Consequently, he developed selective criteria for children who should not
be treated, who included those with (1) paralysis at L2 to L3 or above. (2)
marked hydrocephalus. (3) kyphosis. and (4) other major congenital
abnormalities or birth injuries. Adhering to such criteria. many experienced
surgeons calculated that less than 30 percent of the untreated would be alive at
the end of the first year. But the contentious corollary to this statement is
that while it is true that a large majority of untreated infants do not live
long, a significant minority do live, and what is the quality of their
survival? It is suggested that they become significantly more impaired from nontreatment than if they had been operated upon early. The arguments for and
against a selective treatment policy for infants with myelomeningocele continue
to be examined.
The goals of early operative
care for the newborn with an open NTD are to preserve all neural tissue.
especially that which may be functional and must not be allowed to dry, to
reconstitute normal anatomic barriers and thus minimize retrograde
contamination and to control early progressive hydrocephalus. If such
treatment is to be instituted, then one might presume the earlier the better. As
the threat of superficial infection on the placode accelerates during the first
36 to 48 h. many surgeons would prefer to repair the myelomeningocele within
that time. But, some recommend a deliberate delay in operative closure for up to
5 days if necessary, to be certain that the baby is well studied and stable and,
most important, that the consequences of the birth defect and the treatment
aims are well understood by the infant's family. If operation is planned after
a more extended interval, then a wait of 6 weeks is usual, by which time a
clean, epithelialized scar has developed and repair proceeds after a ventricular
puncture has confirmed sterility of the CSF.
Operative Techniques of
Myelomeningocele Closure
The anaesthetic management of the
neonate who is about to have early repair of a myelomeningocele is concerned at
all times with the maintenance of body temperature and proper fluid balance
prior to and during surgery. An intravenous infusion of 10 percent dextrose in
water solution should be started. The child is nursed prone in an Isolette with
a sterile, constantly moistened saline dressing on the exposed tissue.
Intubation is performed with the
child lying on the left side; then it is placed prone on small bolsters.
Temperature drift is controlled by an overhead heating lamp during induction,
and heating blankets are applied after positioning.
The fundamental principles of
neurosurgical technique are observed during the closure of a myelomeningocele.
These include tissue debridment, meticulous dissection and manipulation of
potentially viable neural tissue, gentle bipolar coagulation where necessary,
and the reconstitution of the usual tissue barriers with respect for the patency
of the intervening spaces.
Although wide skin exposure may
be required at the conclusion of the procedure, it is recommended that until
that time, as much of the skin as possible be towelled off, in part to maintain a
degree of surgical asepsis, but also to keep the infant warm. The technique that
follows, while not the only method of repairing a myelomeningocele, will allow
easy closure in approximately 95 percent of cases. In the other 5 percent, the
neural plaque dissection and dural closure proceeds similarly, but a
reconstructive plastic surgeon may have to design cutaneous flaps for skin
The dissection begins in a
circumferential fashion, as close to the margin of the placode as possible. This
dissection is best performed with magnified vision. The incision is carried
through the epithelialized meninges, which leads directly into the intradural
space. This is neurosurgical "turf." from which the CSF can be
drained, the roots slackened and the entire malformed placode, as well as the
proximal and distal cord segments, identified. Anomalous roots are accurately
defined, and should they end blindly in the dome of the sac. they are divided.
Attempts are made to preserve all small arteries, but inevitably one or two
laterally displaced, engorged veins will have to be sacrificed. Finally, the
possible presence of a second lesion can be determined and appropriately
The perimeter dissection is
completed laterally first, leaving the cephalic and caudal poles until the end.
Once the placode and adjoining tissues have been freed, the cuff of
epithelialized dura is trimmed back flush with the placode. There need not be
undue anxiety about residual cells of epithelium adhering to the placode. These
seldom give rise to delayed epidermoid or dermoid cysts; rather. the subsequent
appearance of an epidermoid or dermoid cyst is more likely related to the
dysraphic syndrome generally, in which the cysts were coexistent.
With the placode isolated and
the filum divided if necessary, the surgeon can then determine the fit of the
placode into the saucer-deformed spinal canal. At the same time, an estimate is
made of the amount of dura which must be freed laterally and rolled
centripetally like two book flaps. While it is agreed that there are viable
cells in the plaque. particularly rostrally, there is no guarantee that efforts
to reconstitute the neural tube by microsuture of its everted lips will
preserve these cells or improve their function. Moreover, such a technique
seems to add to the axial bulk of the lesion, which in turn can be threatened by
the overlying tension of the closed dura and skin.
The dura is easily identified
from within and separated from its skin attachment, leaving a narrow margin
about the dome which nourishes the frail skin edges. The
extradural plane is easily recognized as the flaps are rolled medially and the
characteristic epidural fat within the spinal canal is encountered. The
adherent dura, especially at the rostral end of the fascial and bony defect,
must be freed in order that it can be properly approximated. From time to time
there will not be enough such material for a watertight closure: in that
circumstance. fascia lata or another substitute should be used. The subdural
space needs to be as capacious as possible. The dura is closed in a watertight
fashion with a fine continuous suture such as 6-0 black silk. Its integrity can
be tested with a Valsalva manoeuvre.
The skin is then closed in the
direction in which it will most easily reapproximate - in the axial plane,
transversely, diagonally or even in a triradiate fashion. The skin is widely
undermined in the plane between the subcutaneous tissue and muscle, well around
to the anterior abdominal wall if necessary. Haemostasis is obtained, and the
tension on the skin edges is tested in the various directions in which it might
close. The subcutaneous tissues are approximated with an interrupted dissolvable
suture and the skin itself can usually be united with a running intracuticular
A number of other treatment
options have been recommended. Many of these concern the reconstitution of the
tissue barriers and the associated efforts to induce a degree of spinal
stability. For example. it is suggested that fascial flaps be dissected free,
rolled medially and closed over dura. This is a difficult task, as the fascia
is limited in amount, is widely displaced from the midline just at the site
where it is maximally needed. and tends to shred as it is dissected. Moreover,
it may form a significant compressive layer of tissue lying on the dural tube.
Consequently, the recommendation here is for a meticulous dural exposure and
closure to provide the CSF barrier.
Severe open defects are often
associated with prominent protruding laminae, which should be removed in order
to minimize the compressive effect on the overlying skin. The suggestion that
the laminae be fractured and rolled medially in order to protect the tube is too
artificial and, as it is difficult to hold these elastic structures in place,
they often migrate and compress the skin. Occasionally, a child with a large
defect and pronounced kyphosis will require spinal surgery to reduce vertebral angulation, minimize skin ulceration and prevent secondary ventilatory
insufficiency. The "kyphectomy" (excision of one or more vertebral bodies) can
be carried out simultaneously.
Finally, the reconstructive
surgeon may design attractive methods of using various myocutaneous flaps for
skin coverage. These are required in a few instances, and when used they heal
perfectly. They also provide additional muscle cover over the repaired neural
After operation, the child is
returned to the Isolette and infant feeding schedules begin within 24 h.
Prophylactic antibiotics are not prescribed.
The technique for repair of a
meningocele is similar to that just described. The sac is usually smaller and
dissection of nervous tissue easy, if it is required at all. Any minor
herniations of cord substance and/or roots into the sac are isolated and placed
back within the spinal canal. The neck of the sac is often small and it is a
simple matter to turn a small leaf of dura and close it over the opening of the
Exactly 80 percent of all
infants with myelomeningocele have hydrocephalus apparent at birth or develop
it within the next few weeks, the larger and more rostral the lesion, the
greater the likelihood and the converse applies, so that infants with small
sacral lesions have a 50 percent risk. Whether or not the myelomeningocele sac
acts as a reservoir for the CSF, which then is ablated at the time of repair, is
a moot point. The clinical features of hydrocephalus, if not initially
apparent, will become obvious in most instances within 5 to 14 days of the
spinal surgery. The diagnosis is confirmed with ultrasound examination of the
head and if there is any doubt about the sterility of the CSF, a ventricular
sample of CSF is analyzed before placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. The
latter is inserted in the standard fashion, with the peritoneal catheter
descending subcutaneously in the lateral flank or anterior thorax, so that it
lies somewhat remote from the myelomeningocele skin closure.
It does not necessarily follow
that the 20 percent of infants who do not show evidence of hydrocephalus do not
have ventriculomegaly. A substantial number have enlarged ventricles, but in a
nonprogressive fashion and unassociated with features of intracranial
hypertension. In the absence of overt clinical signs and with a nonthreatened,
healing spinal wound, the surgeon can afford to continue assessing the child
before deciding upon the need for a shunting device. If the child reaches its
first birthday and has not required shunting, it is quite unlikely that it will
be necessary to place a shunt in the next few years.
If hydrocephalus is moderately
severe at birth or if a delayed closure of the spinal defect is planned, a shunt
system may be inserted at the same time as or prior to the myelomeningocele
closure. In the latter circumstance, preoperative bacteriologic analysis of the
CSF is advised.
Shunt systems inserted in
patients with hydrocephalus associated with myelodysplasia are more likely to
become infected than those inserted for all other causes of obstructive
hydrocephalus. Infection within these shunt systems is usually due to
Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus or Escherichia coli and most often
appears within the first 2 years. The infected shunt is managed in a standard
fashion, with appropriate intravenous antibiotic therapy and externalization
and/or removal of the shunt, with eventual shunt replacement.
It had been believed that as
many as 50 percent of myelodysplastic children might outgrow the need for their
shunt system by their seventh birthday. While it is true that shunt breakage or
obstruction in the older child may not declare itself with traditional symptoms.
follow-up magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies are now revealing a galaxy of
changes about the brain base or within the spinal canal in this particular group
of children. Many of these alterations relate to faulty CSF circulation that in
turn is causing other neurological signs. These can be relieved by a shunt
Chiari Malformation
The Chiari malformation is
deemed to be present in all children with myelodysplasia. Recent studies
indicate that it becomes clinically significant in 10 to 20 percent of these
children, especially those aged 3 months or less. During the early
postoperative days, the nursing staff may document clinical evidence of the
symptomatic malformation with events usually beginning after the CSF shunt has
been placed. Prolonged feeding, choking, regurgitation of fluid through the
nose, stridor and a change in the lustiness of the cry and then cyanotic
episodes and apnea are characteristic. It must not be assumed that these are the
symptoms of shunt malfunction: they are the signs of progressive brain stem
Clearly, there is a part of the
Chiari malformation, intrinsic cellular disorganization within the brain stem
and upper cervical cord, about which nothing can be done. But notwithstanding
the enlarged, scooped foramen magnum, there is compression on the herniated
tissues in the upper cervical spine. Not infrequently. a thick, circumscribing and
compressive extradural band lies beneath the arch of the atlas. The compressive
factor of the Chiari malformation should be recognized for what it is and
surgical decompression performed before yielding to neurogenic vocal cord
paresis and submitting the child to long-term tracheotomy. The surgical
decompression is a cervical laminectomy taken as far caudad as necessary to
positively identify cervical cord tissue.
Postoperative Care
Assuming that the operative
technique has been meticulous, the surgeon should not be dismayed if the motor
function in the legs is somewhat worse following surgery. This is often the case
for the first 10 to 14 days, by which time the motor and sphincter performance
should have returned to what was seen preoperatively. The creed with regard to
operative care is that the child's postoperative leg function is rarely improved
by surgery but is seldom worsened.
The main interest in the early
days following operation, therefore, is directed at preserving wound integrity
as the effective barrier against retrograde infection. If there was not
luxuriant skin for closure and the surgical wound is thus frail, the infant is
best mobilized in the face-down position, with the legs restrained (if they
have active movement), so that tension on the incision is lessened. By the tenth
day, the fate of the wound is usually known.
It is not a major calamity if
the wound separates over a portion of its distance, provided that there is no
CSF leakage and that hydrocephalus, if present, has been treated. Once the shunt
has been inserted, the spinal repair wound will close in, albeit slowly, with
the application of topical dressings.
For those children who will
develop hydrocephalus, the problem, if not apparent at birth, will almost
always declare itself within 5 to 14 days of spinal surgery. It usually becomes
manifest with the typical signs of infantile hydrocephalus, but occasionally
anterior fontanel tension, spread skull sutures, and increasing head
circumference will not appear; rather, the spinal operative wound disgorges a
volume of clear, colorless fluid. Even under these circumstances, and when the
head circumference remains well within accepted growth parameters, CT head examination will show a mild to moderate degree
of ventriculomegaly. Shunt insertion is required.
Once the spinal operative wound
has healed, the child can be turned from the prone position and placed in a
regular cot and the other baseline investigations can be obtained. As at least
90 percent of patients will be incontinent of urine, it is of some importance
that the urologist assess the child as soon as possible, to determine the degree
of sphincter impairment, the need for assisted bladder evacuation (by regular
intermittent catheterization), and ureteral reflux, infection, and bladder trabeculation. Frequently, although not always, an infant will from the outset
require antibiotic prophylaxis. Exhaustive surgical procedures aimed at urinary
diversion have now given way to the much more acceptable practice of
intermittent bladder catheterization and home screening programs for urinary
tract sepsis.
Bowel management programs are
somewhat more easily achieved and take advantage of normal gastrointestinal
physiologic responses supplemented by proper nutrition and laxatives and enemas
as required.
Similarly, the orthopaedic
surgeon must be asked to assess the child's spinal anomalies and the
possibilities of neurogenic hip dislocation, fractured femur, and varieties of
neurogenic clubfoot. Stretching and/or casting manoeuvres for the latter
frequently begin during the infant's first few weeks of life. Projections are
made with regard to the infant's ultimate orthotic needs. The child's ability to
ambulate is determined by more than the neurosegmental lesion; factors such as
motivation, intelligence, spinal curvature and intractable orthopaedic
deformities all substantially influence the child's ultimate mobility. Not
infrequently a child who has required extensive brace assistance to stand and
ambulate will, at adolescence, choose a wheelchair for greater mobility.
From the time of the infant's
first release from the hospital, the neurosurgeon must be dedicated to his or
her professional marriage with this patient. The intense level of neurosurgical
care persists through the child's first two or three years of life and is then
supplanted by more involved urologic and/or orthopaedic treatments. During those
first few years, the CSF shunt system is frequently blamed for every problem
that befalls the child. Children with spina bifida are no more or less
susceptible than other children to the common maladies of childhood, and the
clinician should be forewarned that, while shunts do malfunction, the infant may
be ill from a urinary tract or upper respiratory tract infection.
A "second age" of spina bifida
care frequently begins after the child's fifth birthday. It is personified by a
child who has been walking, with whatever assistive devices, and who shows
deterioration in gait. Worsening spasticity may be present in these children,
or even in those who are severely paraparetic, or the child's scoliosis may
worsen. These changes are commonly seen after a period of rapid growth. The
belief that these are all "inevitable" should be discounted until the
neurosurgeon has had an opportunity to study what clearly is a dynamic problem.
The' 'top down" investigative approach, which begins with a CT brain scan, will
document the compromised level of the nervous system. The worsening may be
related simply to a malfunctioning shunt, with an expanded cerebral ventricular
system and the ultimate channelling of CSF into a progressively enlarging
hydromyelia. A straightforward shunt revision may reverse the problem. A second
lesion, as noted above, may have been hidden from view at the time of the first
operation and may be uncovered now by MRI. Additional surgery on this second
lesion or even on the severely tethered repair site, usually has a favourable
The long-term follow-up is best
managed through a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic. There the neurosurgeon,
orthopaedist, urologist, orthotist and therapist can assess the child together
and discuss with one another changed directions for the child's care.
Long- Term Results
7 percent of infants would
eventually become self-sufficient and that the next 20 percent would also be of
normal intelligence but able to earn only in a sheltered workshop environment. After early operative care, 50 percent of children
would survive to the teen years and I5 percent would be minimally handicapped. 75 percent of
surviving infants having normal intelligence, bladder and bowel control being
achieved by school age in 90 percent of survivors, and more than 80 percent of
children becoming community ambulators by school age.
Clearly, there are many
determinants of outcome, such as the size and location of the spinal defect, the
tempo of hydrocephalus and its treatment, complicating infections, a symptomatic
Chiari deformity, surgical philosophy, rehabilitation efforts and family
motivation. The larger rostral lesions, early and uncontrolled hydrocephalus,
ventriculitis, brain stem compromise with pulmonary aspiration and shunt failure
are all related to early demise. The mortality during the child's first decade
is 14 percent. Sometimes this occurs precipitously. Over longer
periods of time, pulmonary complications, pneumonia and renal failure claim
The relation of intellectual
development to hydrocephalus has recently been analyzed in detail, as
hydrocephalus decreases the intellectual potential. Thus, the child without
hydrocephalus or whose hydrocephalus is arrested has a better prognosis for a
normal IQ than selectively treated but dependent patients with hydrocephalus,
who have a 34 percent incidence of retardation. A common outcome of early
hydrocephalus is an uneven growth of intelligence during childhood, with
nonverbal intelligence developing less well than verbal. In this regard,
myelodysplastic children perform poorly on tasks of persistent motor control
and eyehand coordination. While intellectual potential is negatively
influenced by ventriculitis or shunt infection, it is not affected by either
the type or the number of shunts required for its control.
One of the primary aims of early
operative care of NTD is to preserve neurosegmental levels and thus influence
ambulation. Success with ambulation is subject to many of the same factors as
intelligence. Theoretically, a preserved L3 level should be compatible with
erect posture and orthotic-assisted gait. but, practically, it is children with
L5 levels who will be long-term ambulators and enjoy a degree of self-confidence
while negotiating public facilities. It must also be recalled that as the
neurological level is frequently asymmetrical, so will be the gait performance
and required orthoses.
Other associated nervous system
symptoms may require assessment in the first few years. These include
strabismus and other disjunctive eye movement disorders and seizure problems.
There is increasing concern for
the downstream effects of long-term myelodysplasia on the child and its family.
It may be a long while before the devastating news of the child's birth defect
is finally accepted by the parents, who not unexpectedly suffer guilt,
frustration, and unhappiness over their misfortune. Marital instability is all
too frequent, as one parent gives full attention to the disabled child at the
expense of the partner and the other siblings. Never a year passes without major
decisions to be made for the child-more surgery, bladder care, changing mobility
aids, coordination of appointments and hospitalizations with personal needs,
and educational requirements. Parents show increasing maturity and
sophistication and can be greatly assisted by social service agencies and lay
parent organizations.